Save The Rights — Feminist for all, Visibility and leadership

Feminist for all, Visibility and leadership

Save the rights is to save the women and girls rights in the workplaces and in education. Women’s career development to advocate for change, safe places to study and work, equal rights, effective decision-making, provide networking and capacity building opportunities

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Who We


Save the Rights is to save the women and girls rights in the workplaces and in education. 
Women’s career development to advocate for change, safe places to study and work, equal rights, effective decision-making, provide networking and capacity-building opportunities, and highlight the socio-economic challenges facing women, girls, and vulnerable groups through justice and career development with better education, by advocating, networking, capacity building, and awareness.

Save the Rights is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization. Established in Mogadishu, Somalia in January 2019. 
This organization is committed to finding a safe space either in education places or workplaces for women and girls, fulfilling their rights and responsibilities, and encouraging them to work in technical jobs, presidential and judicial sectors also fighting against bad norms in culture.



Women’s career development to make a change through mediation, integration, and peace.



To ensure their safety in education and workplaces, ensure women’s rights are being protected using monitoring skills, justice advocacy, research, raising awareness, capacity building, integration, and special coaching for their career.



Women’s Career Development

Human Rights (Women and Girls Rights)

Good Governance and Sustainable Solutions

Modern Education

Social Justice

Policy Advocacy

News &


The Save the Rights organization in collaboration with the Global Media Campaign (GMC) has broadcasted awareness …

Save the Rights, an advocacy organization for the rights and safety of women and girls in …

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the …

Various women’s groups and new movements contribute to a culture of challenging

We are more than happy to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Unbox our …

